
As we’ve reopened this historic theatre, one thing is certain: Marietta loves this place. It seems that everyone we meet has a story to tell about the Colony–or even the Hippodrome! Whether it’s recollections of live productions, concerts, a first movie, a first kiss, or stories told by the many former employees we’ve spoken to, there are many memories worth sharing.

So, it only seemed fitting that we’d share them on our website.

Please email us your memories, stories, or anything else you’d like to tell us about our theatre and how it has affected you. We’ll post as many as possible right here, so keep checking back!

Janice (Bertram) BurkhartI used to go as a kid in the mid ’60s and watch Cartoons on a once a year specific Saturday morning when BF Goodrich had their family sponsored day. Everyone got a gift and it was a big deal to a kid my age. In High School my Mom (Janice Burkhart aka as Janice Bertram in High School) worked as an Ticket Usher. She wore a cool theater jacket and had a flashlight and she said it made her feel like a Big Shot. I am looking forward to seeing the new venue. Many thanks to all involved from the construction workers, donators and anyone else connected with the project.
—Tim Burkhart, Class of 1976, Marietta high School

I am so excited that the Colony Theatre is being renovated! I remember many, many Saturdays that I would go to the movie and enjoy everything about the Colony Theatre. I would get a dollar to ride the bus, 15 cents one way and 25 cents round trip, my ticket, popcorn and a drink. I would have money left over too! The Colony really started my appreciation of movies and the art of acting. I love this site and it brought back many, many memories. I can also remember when Marietta had 3 theatres in town! I love the Colony and always wondered why it hadn’t been renovated before this. It is such a old building. Thanks for the site and I will return often to see the progress.
—Judy Patterson Arnold

The Colony has many memories for me. I basically grew up there, as my family owned it for quite a while. I am so excited that it is going to reopen. The day we had to sell it I cried. That was where I went on the weekend to help run the family business. It was very exciting growing up there. We owned it until I was 10, I think. I remember running up and down the stairs and being able to watch the latest movies that came out. When I was 8 I even got to have a birthday party for my entire class and we watched ET. I remember watching the Rocky Horror Picture there and the college students going wild and throwing stuff all over the place, and of course, me having to help clean up afterwards. That wasn’t fun at all. But the colony will always have a very special place in my heart, and I myself would rather go there and watch a movie than got to the mall or the Laffette Square in Marietta. It means alot to me to be able to take my family there some day and sit and watch a movie and say to my kids, “Your mom’s family used to own this place.”
—Jennifer Bee, Marietta, OH

Am so VERY excited to get word that fundraising has begun to restore the Colony!!! What a grand old theater! I went there from the late 1940’s right up until I graduated from high school in 1961 and can remember how special a place I thought it was. I will put out the word, and maybe some of us can come up with some dollars to help.
—Nancy Lane Kegresse, Clemmons, NC

“I congratulate your group in the effort to restore the colony. I was president of the mid-ohio valley players when we purchased the Putnam Theater from Ohio Theaters. Leroy Ash, myself and many members spent much time raising funds as well as cleaning and superficial restoration. We purchased the theater for approx. $52,000 and raised the majority of the funds from local businesses and individuals. Since the purchase many renovations have been made but much is still to be done. During initial renovations we uncovered many surprises, some were not so nice but some were quite pleasant. Some years ago Marjorie Bee took a few of us on a tour of the Colony and we ere quite impressed. Good luck on your venture!”
—Hugh A. McConkey

“I remember when the Colony showed midnight movies on Fridays and they were the scariest movies that I have ever seen. The kids, then, only needed fifty cents to have a good time. I would love to see it re-open.”
—Judy (Kerns) McCloud, Raeford, NC

“I worked as head usher at the Colony for 3 1/2 years starting in 1951. They were 3 of the best years, and I met a lot of friends. I remember Mr. Duty, Mr. Miller, Earl Britton, and a lot of the others. Saw Tex Ritter and watched ‘Gone With The Wind’. Good luck, and I’ll try to make the open house.”
—Earl K Lewis

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© Peoples Bank Theatre – Managed by the Hippodrome / Colony Historical Theatre Association, a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization.

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