Manhattan Short Film Festival
Thu, September 26, 2019 at 7:00 PM EDT
- This event has passed.
Over 100,000 Film Lovers
Across the Globe
Unite for One Week
For One Film Festival
Don’t miss the 22nd annual Manhattan Short Film Festival coming to Peoples Bank Theatre on Thursday, September 26! Screening begins at 7:00 p.m. Film finalists will be announced at the end of August.
MANHATTAN SHORT is not a touring Festival; rather, it is an instantaneous celebration that occurs simultaneously across the globe, bringing great films to great venues and allowing the audiences to select their favorites.
Upon entry at all participating venues, festival attendees are handed a Voting Card and an Official Program and asked to vote for the ONE Film and Actor they feel should win. Votes are tallied by each host venue then emailed to the festival’s NYC headquarters.
If the Film Festival experience truly is about getting great works in front of as many eyes as possible, MANHATTAN SHORT offers the ultimate platform — one that sees its films screened in Sydney, Mumbai, Moscow, Vienna, Cape Town to cinemas in all fifty states of the United States and beyond.
Tickets are just $10. Student tickets available at the door $8 (with valid id).
Attention Parents: These films are not rated. Some films may contain strong language or graphic scenes. Recommended for audiences 18 years and older.